Introducing inFocus

A New Smoke Free Alternative That Offers Nicotine Satisfaction. A Refreshing & Safe, Focus Energy Drink.

The formula is the result of more than 11 years of extensive research and development and is a proprietary, patented process, formulated with pharmaceutical grade water and a pure organic nicotine molecule, as a homeopathic complex formula.

InFocus® was developed as a smoking alternative for when people can't smoke,
shouldn't smoke or choose not to smoke and to reduce the craving for tobacco.

With the increasing amount of places and countries that are banning smoking, InFocus® offers people a real alternative to live life smoke free, and the potential marketplace for the product is huge.

Over 2.5 billion people (close to half the world's population) smoke cigarettes. This includes an astounding 48.2 million Americans.

Throughout the world, legislation is demanding a ban on smoking. This creates an enormous demand for smoking alternatives where people can't smoke, shouldn't smoke or choose not to smoke.

InFocus® is the only adult, homeopathic nicotine beverage offered in the network marketing world and has no direct competitors in that market.

InFocus® is not a tobacco product as stated in 2005 by the Tobacco Tax Bureau (TTB) a division of the Department of Treasury of the United States of America.

InFocus® - The #1 Choice, when you can't smoke, shouldn't smoke or choose not to smoke.

inFocus Video:

Introducing Wulong Tea!

Our Wulong Tea is supercharged with flavorless Acai and Goji Berries offering an increased level of antioxidants. This tea carries a rich yet smooth taste and is a favorite with tea lovers around the world. It is available in 100g bags and comes with 30, “self pack” tea bags allowing you to adjust the quantity of tea to best suit your desired level of intensity. Try inLife Journey Coffee & Wulong Tea today! We don’t believe that you will find a better tasting coffee or tea!

For more info click here:

A Great Cup of Coffee!

Gourmet Quality Coffee with Acai and Goji berries, some of nature’s top “super foods”. The Acai and Goji are flavorless yet help to increase what is already a rich antioxidant level in a great tasting coffee. When combined with our coffee, the Acai and Goji blend becomes a powerful antioxidant addition in one of the most favorite delivery systems ever designed by humankind. A great cup of coffee!

Think of it...A thirty second walk to your office, right down the hall from your bedroom. Being excited to get up every day and start your workday. Financial freedom to do what you want, when you want. Have time in your life to enjoy your success. Make a referral to a new and improved product that people are going to consume anyway. Be part of the solution. Imagine getting paid for helping others succeed, getting paid for helping others with a better alternative. Be involved with a company that offers products that can be “life changing.” Welcome to inLife where we offer an opportunity that may change your future, your family’s future and the future of everyone who is important to you. Think of the possibility of your life changing and creating for yourself a new and dynamic life. A life with no cap on what you can earn. We are committed to helping people, just like you, control your destiny and build your own business within a business. “You’re in business for yourself but not by yourself”. Explore the possibilities we offer and witness for yourself the excitement, energy and opportunity that exists with inLife.

For More info go to:

Journey Coffee..."Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination"

Talking Points:

• Supports the body’s antioxidant needs by offering a powerful antioxidant blend to help fight against free radicals
• Features the freshest and one of the best tasting coffee beans that the industry has to offer
• Offers a logical choice for coffee drinkers without changing any use or buying habits
• Loaded with a blend of both the Acai and Goji berries, two of the worlds “super foods” harvested from the Amazon (Acai) and Southeast Europe and Asia (Goji).

The Market:

Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day, or equivalent to 146,000,000,000 (146 Billion) cups of coffee per year; making the United States the LEADING CONSUMER of coffee in the world. The US market alone is estimated to generate over 18 billion dollars in annual sales. What most people don’t realize is that coffee in and of itself is an excellent source of antioxidants – a very important nutritional fact. In addition, independent studies on coffee suggest that coffee offers other nutritional benefits as well.

To place an order go to When your there click "Shop Now" to be a customer or "Join Now" to become an Independent Distributor (recommended).

The Benefits of Antioxidants:

From a nutritional point of view, it has been suggested that antioxidants may help defend the body against life's stressors. They can also play a role in the body's cell protection system. Free radicals are harmful byproducts produced by the body.
Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants may interfere with the affects of free radicals by neutralizing them.The Acai and Goji berries offer a very high antioxidant level as well.
The Acai berry is cultivated primarily in Central and South America.The Acai palm was described as the most important plant species in the Amazon region because the fruit makes up such a major component of diet in that region.
The Goji berry is cultivated in Southeastern Europe and Asia. It is considered as an important food source and has also been used in the production of traditional Chinese medicines.

Why Is This A Great Network Marketing Product?

Quite simply - it does not change people’s buying habits per se. Coffee is of the most commonly consumed beverages in the United States with over 146 billion cups of coffee consumed per year. This represents an 18 billion dollar a year annual revenue stream. inLife has created a way for you to share in that revenue stream. Why not get paid for referring your friends, family and associates to a great tasting coffee with the highest antioxidant levels available – thanks to the Acai and Goji berry? Why not get paid for making a referral to a product that most people are going to consume anyway? Did you ever get a commission for referring a friend to the local coffee shop in your area? Probably not! However, with inLife you have the opportunity to make a substantial residual income for simply referring a person over to a great product.

Does Not Change Buying Habits:

Let’s face it. Most people who get involved with other network marketing products that offer nutritional benefits are selling a product that most people were not using before. In many cases, this represents an increase in monthly expenses for the average person. In a tough economy, people tend to cut back on “luxury” type expenditures. However, people usually don’t give up their coffee enjoyment.

This means that they are more likely to stay on a coffee Auto-ship program with a product that they consuming anyway along with the notion that they have an opportunity to be paid for making a simple referral to a product that most of their friends, family and associates are consuming as well. That just makes good sense. Couple that with the Acai and Goji antioxidant supplements, and you have a winning combination.

To place an order go to When your there click "Shop Now" to be a customer or "Join Now" to become an Independent Distributor (recommended).

InLife Journey – A Very Special Coffee:

InLife has partnered with a leading, east coast coffee roaster that focuses only on the best gourmet coffees available. Our state of the art roasting facility ships direct to you and your customer’s door. Orders are roasted, packed and shipped the very same day to ensure that you receive the freshest coffee possible.
The product is packed in specially designed bags with a one way air valve that insures the best possible packing and helps to maintain the highest level of freshness available. By offering our products in convenient bulk sizes, we are able to extend to our customers a reasonable price for a high grade, rich gourmet coffee. InLife offers our rich gourmet coffee with a unique blend of Acai and Goji berries.
The Acai and Goji are flavorless yet offer the fullness of their antioxidant nutritional benefits. The Acai and Goji berries that are used in our coffee are freeze dried to insure the preservation of the antioxidants and omega fatty acids.

The Offering:

Product is available in Whole Bean or Ground in 1 Pound and 2 Pound bags.

Our Standard Blend is a mixture of beans from Southeast Asia or Central Indonesia. A very unique blend roasted both light and dark to bring out the best in every bean and maintain the chocolaty and fruity undertones these beans are known for.

Our rich Viennese Cinnamon is a premium flavored coffee offering! Unlike other flavored coffees, we use our Standard Blend beans and lightly dust them with real cinnamon powder. Cinnamon is not only a favorite among many taste buds, it is also rich in antioxidants itself adding to an already powerful combination. The result is a warm and inviting coffee ideal for dessert or a “snuggle up to” on a cold evening.

Our Hazelnut Coffee is right up there with chocolate when it comes to popular flavored coffees. Rich and nutty, it perfectly compliments our light roasted blend of beans to create a beverage that has become a standard in the industry.

Journey Decaf – Unlike Most Decafs on the Market Today!

Our Decaf Coffee is unlike most decaf coffees offered on the market. We use a unique CO2 process to decaffeinate our beans. The carbon dioxide process was developed in Germany as a natural alternative to the Methylene Chloride process that has become the industry standard. The result is a much more expressive, less better and smoother taste.

To place an order go to When your there click "Shop Now" to be a customer or "Join Now" to become an Independent Distributor (recommended).

Statistics on Coffee:

Specialty coffee sales are increasing by 20% per year and account for nearly 8% of the 18 billion dollar U.S. coffee market. World coffee production is estimated at 110 - 120 million bags per year.
Coffee statistics show that among coffee drinkers the average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day.Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day, or equivalent to 146,000,000,000 (146 Billion) cups of coffee per year; making the United States the LEADING CONSUMER of coffee in the world.


50% of the population. Equivalent to 150 million Americans, drink espresso, cappuccino, latte, or iced/cold coffees.COFFEE SHOP FACTS: Independent coffee shops equal $12 billion in annual sales.At the present time there are approximately 24,000 Coffee Shops across the country.
Statistics show there will be approximately 50,000+ Coffee Shops by the year 2010.
Espresso Drive - thru Business sells approximately 200-300 Cups of Espresso and Coffee Based Drinks per day.Over 50% of Americans over 18 years of age drink coffee every day. This represents over 150 million daily drinkers. 30 million American adults drink specialty coffee beverages daily; which include a mocha, latte, espresso, café mocha, cappuccino, frozen/iced coffee beverages, etc.
The average price for an espresso based drink is $2.45.The average price for brewed coffee is $1.38.Men drink as much coffee as women; each consuming an average of 1.6 cups per day.
Women seem to be more concerned about the price than men. Among coffee drinkers, the average consumption in the United States is 3.2 cups of coffee per day.
The average coffee cup size is 9 ounces.30% of the population drinks coffee occasionally.65% of all coffee is consumed during breakfast hours, 30% between meals, and the remaining 5% with other meals.
35% of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee.65% prefer to add sugar and/or cream.Women indicated that drinking coffee is a good way to relax. Men indicated that coffee helps them get the job done.Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee per day making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 11 (UPI) — Drinking coffee may be good for your health, U.S. researchers say.Researchers say a cup of java might protect against diabetes, liver cancer, cirrhosis and Parkinson’s disease,
The Boston Globe reported Monday.“Coffee was seen as very unhealthy,” said Rob van Dam, a coffeeresearcher and epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health.
“Now we have a more balanced view. We’re not telling people to drink it for health. But it is a good beverage choice.”
Terry Graham, chair of Human Healthand Nutritional Sciences at the University of Guelph in Canada noted that coffee and caffeine are not the same thing. “Coffee is a complex beverage with hundreds, if not thousands, of bioactive ingredients,” he said. “A cup of coffeeis 2 percent caffeine, 98 percent other stuff.”
The newspaper said 20 studies worldwide show that coffee, both regular and decaf, lowers the risk for Type 2 diabetes by as much as 50 percent.
Researchers say that is probably because chlorogenic acid, one of the many ingredients in coffee, slows uptake of sugar from the intestines. As for heart disease and stroke, a study published in March in the journal Circulation looked at data on more than 83,000 women over age 24.
The research showed that those who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a 19 percent lower risk of stroke than those who drank almost no coffee.


An antioxidantis a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that transfers electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals, which start chain reactions that damage cells. Antioxidants terminate these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates, and inhibit other oxidation reactions by being oxidized themselves. As a result, antioxidants are often reducing agents such as thiols, ascorbic acidor polyphenols.
Acai Health Benefits:

From Web MD

Acai, contains several substances called anthocyanins & flavonoidsAnthocyanins and flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help defend the body against life's stressors.
They also play a role in the body's cell protection system. Free radicals are harmful byproducts produced by the body. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants may interfere with aging and the disease process by neutralizing free radicals.By lessening the destructive power of free radicals, antioxidants may help reduce the risk of some diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
Are there known health benefits of acai berries?
Some studies show that acai fruit pulp has a very high antioxidant capacity with even more antioxidant content than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, or blueberry. Studies are ongoing, though, and the jury is still out.

Goji Health Benefits:

Goji, which is known as Lycium Barbarum in Latin, is a berry found in the Himalayas and has been held in high esteem throughout the ages for its nutritional benefits and health giving properties. This alkaline berry has been consumed in China and the Himalayan regions for close to 3000 years.

The nutritional benefits of Goji juice are being corroborated and confirmed by research and clinical studies. Studies with elderly people and those suffering from general debility have shown that consuming Goji juice can lead to a three-time increase in the T-cell transformation functions and the white cell interleukin-2 count can double. This opens up the possibilities of extracting even greater benefits from this berry, particularly for fighting tiredness, improving the working of the immune system, preventing the growth of free radicals, etc.

The key nutritional ingredients of Goji juice are the glyconutrients that provide eight essential sugars required by the human body for growth. The 22 phytonutrient compounds present in Goji juice facilitate intercellular communication.

The health benefits of Goji juice are enumerated below:

- Goji juice is a powerful antioxidant that counters premature ageing.- Increases resistance to disease.
- Helps to regulate blood pressure- Minimizes the risk of cancer by preventing DNA mutation, inhibiting growth of tumors, and by controlling the peroxidation of lipids.
- Regulates blood-sugar during the early stages of diabetes- Has a positive effect on vision, heart, relieves headaches and insomnia.
- Regulates weight.
- Promotes sexual health and improves fertility.
- Helps digestion and memory functions.
- Alleviates dry cough.

The tremendous health-giving properties of Goji juice can be attributed to its composition; the Goji berry.

- Is rich in carotenoids such as beta carotene and vitamin C.
- Contains germanium, no other fruit is known to contain this mineral.
- Has four important polysaccharides, LBP1, LBP2, LBP3, and LBP4, which offer significant health benefits.
- Provides nineteen amino acids including the eight essential amino acids as well as up to 21 trace minerals including zinc, copper, selenium, phosphorous, etc.
- Has a protein content higher than wheat.- Contains zeaxanthin, which is good for the eyes.- Has B-complex vitamins as well as fatty acids.
- Provides Vitamin E, which is not found in many fruits, it is limited to nuts and seeds.
- Contains Cyperone, Beta-Sitosterol, Solavetivone, Physalin, linoleic acid, and Betaine; Beta-Sitosterol has anti-inflammatory properties, linoleic acid aids weight loss, betaine improves the health of the cardiovascular system.
- Has 11 mg of iron per 100 gm of fruit.